Areola 3D
Areola 3D Aftercare
If you have any further questions following this, please don’t hesitate to email. We will be here for you all the way through the process to help regain your confidence and to see you happy.
After the treatment is done the area will be wiped clean and a thin layer of the healing cream will be applied followed with a loosely covered gauze.
Please follow this same steps when you go home a few times a day for 2 days. Using a cotton pad soak it in lukewarm water, wipe the area treated and apply a very thin layer of the cream and then cover it with cling film, a bandage/gauze or a breast feeding pad to keep it clean of any infections. You may wear your bra on top.
Day 3 onwards twice a day do the same cleaning process but now you no longer need to cover it. Carry on doing this for as long as the pigment is on the skin. When all pigment colour has faded you can stop washing and creaming and go back to normal. Usually it will take up to 7 days.
First 48 hours no water, thereafter minimal for a week till healed.
• Do not pick the area, scrub or exfoliate the area, doing so will pull out some of the pigment, cause scarring and uneven results.
• Avoid seafood, salty and spicy foods
• Avoid multivitamins, Vitamin A or using retinol containing products in the area.
For two weeks avoid
Heavy sweating
Soaps and cleansers around the area
Skin creams and moisturisers
Picking and touching
Using sun beds or exposing the area to direct sunlight
Jacuzzi, saunas or chlorine
Hot and long showers
All Aloe Vera products as this can also pull out the colour
Remember it takes a minimum of two treatments for all procedures to be completed. The colour can change during the first four weeks so don’t be alarmed of changes to the shade slightly. If there is extreme redness or any pus seek medical attention.
Please buy bepanthol cream, or the healing cream we sell at the salon, cotton pads, and your breast covers for the cleaning process.
If you are doing the Micro Needling to soften and flatten the scar before the areola treatment, please read the following information:
This is a quick treatment about 20 minutes long, using a 3 point micro needle to flatten and smooth any scars on the breast to prepare you before the treatment and to receive longer more effective results. (please see medical needling treatment)
Detailed after care is given on the medical needling section on brochure via email.
Book an appointment and request detailed information on Areola 3D