Expert Column: How to handle clients who are unhappy with previous SPM – Nez Hasan
Expert Column: How to handle clients who are unhappy with previous SPMU

Expert Column: How to handle clients who are unhappy with previous SPMU

How do I handle clients who are unhappy with previous SPMU artist's work?

When someone is unhappy with another brow artist's work, I find that it's usually due to pigment discolouration or bad shape. If it's not either of those, then I would have a consultation with the client to find out what worries them most and what results they are looking for.

It's always best to reduce the pigment before going over it, so I recommend starting with at least three sessions of my pigment wiper treatment (if the pigment. looks light pink, then pigment wiper red line). This way, I don't have to go bigger to try and go over the old tattoo and my work won't be hindered by what's underneath.

Start with a few sessions of pigment wiper and then see how you go. If the client wants to remove more or if they feel the area is not light enough, then you can continue with more sessions.

Once you are happy with the results, you can go over the brows. If you're happy with the colour of the pigment then usually you just need microblading, but if you want to cover the colour of the previous pigment then you would need microshading.

In some cases, if the pigment is too deep and too dark, it does make it harder to remove. I fry to help the client understand that removing pigment can be a long process, but it is necessary. Some clients would prefer to not go through the removal process but if the previous work is too dark, discoloured or badly shaped, then I cannot tattoo over this - it will be too difficult to cover the old tattoo. It's also because, over time, pigment blends, especially if there's already pigment underneath. I don't recommend it to anyone because it can faint your name as an artist.

If clients are anxious about getting SPMU again after a previous bad experience, I think it's important to show them other SPMU work of brows that have healed. Usually with anxious clients, I go lighter on the first session so that on the initial top-up session we can see what has remained and what I need to go over. I also tell them that it is important to do your research before choosing an artist; you must see what their healed brows look like.

High-quality pigments, tools and clean spaces are very important when carrying out this work. As an artist, you should want to learn more and better yourself constantly, listen to what your clients are asking for but also understand that they are not always right.

Expert Columnist, Pro Beauty Loft Magazine

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